Cittie of London Brigade, The Armie of Parliament, Sealed Knot
upcoming events
OK, this is a radical idea. How about we all work together and support each other's events? That way we encourage integration and learn to work together in different scenarios. Each unit has different skills and standards in different areas of our hobby, so we are suggesting a system for events based upon a simple scoring system (1-3) against different areas of specialism. It will be easy for our members to understand the expectations of the muster organiser / unit and whether they are able to comply.
The number system works like this:
The number system works like this:
1.2.3. |
This means total compliance is required. So, for example an event in a prestigious venue will require the very best dress standards, may insist on no cross-dressing, or other prescribed conditions. You will have to work out if you can comply.
This is our usual SK Event standard - so think of an SK Major Muster. Good kit standards, but cross-dressing allowed, no special conditions but our own CoLB standards apply.
A three means that there is either no requirement or no described standard to apply.
If you have an event and would like to share it with the Brigade, please use the contact form at the bottom of the page and we will put it on this website as soon as possible. This might be a big event right down to looking for some local support for a talk / visit. We all enjoy our hobby, and if we can get used to working together we can improve as a group.
To explain how we can grade events, I have prepared three events we have already completed to see if you think it works:
To explain how we can grade events, I have prepared three events we have already completed to see if you think it works:
the siege of crowland abbey 1643
watch this space - There will be more! |
If you have an event that you would like to have added to this page, please complete the form below and press submit.